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          GR HAVEN STORM 10 27 2010 web
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          Tulips 0043
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          PierGold  6250043 2 2 WEB
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          CloudShelf 9109 Pano+web
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          GHPierFog 2 14web
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          Great Dunes 1 web
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          PeacefulJourney Banner 9607 web
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          Lori's Winter 2017 7453 web
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          IMG EveningGold AR32 0615web

Fine Art Photography by Jon & Lori Arvey

We are Jon & Lori Arvey, a husband & wife team based in Michigan's beautiful "West Coast".  Click on any category below and browse our beautiful photographs of Nature, Landscapes, Seascapes, Waterfalls, Sunsets, Sunrises, and more. 

Michigan has 116 lighthouses, over 3000 miles of freshwater coastline touching 4 of the 5 Great Lakes; and at any given point in Michigan you are never more than 6 miles from either a lake or river. 

From the majestic lands of the Upper Peninsula, to the Southernmost points of the Lower Peninsula, Michigan has a vast array of natural beauty.  All 4 seasons provide a unique opportunity to photograph a "Beautiful Peninsula".   We believe that Michigan is a very beautiful place and we just love taking our cameras and capturing all of its majestic beauty and sharing it with the world.  Although our primary focus is Michigan we will post photographs of beautiful places outside of Michigan for your enjoyment,  these will be noted regarding its location.

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This means you can use the camera on your phone or tablet and superimpose any piece of art onto a wall inside of your home or business.

To use this feature, Just look for the "Live Preview AR" button when viewing any piece of art on this website!


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